Embracing Our Bodies: Empowering Holistic Pregnancy & Birth Experiences

Welcome to G. Lorri Labour Bodywork, where supporting pregnant women and people is our passion!

Registered Nurse/Midwife, & Personal Trainer Gabrielle Brennan is dedicated to providing bodywork techniques to help soften the pelvic space to encourage optimal fetal positioning for spontaneous labour!

With this holistic approach, we find that we are able to troubleshoot many reasons why labour may not start or progress, and often see impressive results when the cause is found and treated.

Join us on today and discover the transformative power of working WITH your body to prepare for birthing your baby!

About The Founder

Gabrielle Brennan

“From my six years of experience practicing midwifery care, I have seen the HUGE gap in the system around holistically understanding the physiology behind labour. This has ended up creating an environment that hyperfocus’s on one aspect of labour, contractions, and completely neglects addressing the space that baby’s moving through, the soft tissue.

Birth is all about baby moving through your soft tissue!

Pregnancy is the best time to put in the work to set up the pelvic space for birth. And the difference it can make for labour progress and even labour comfort, well, just have a read of the stories from my past clients and you’ll start to see the power of working WITH your body.”

How We Can Help

Pregnancy Zoom Bodywork:

Stretches and techniques to improve your pregnancy comfort & labour experience.

Looking to improve your comfort during pregnancy as well as optimise your baby’s position from the comfort of your own home?

Then come and join in our live zoom sessions to explore how you can get the most out of your pregnancy journey!

The sessions are designed to empower you to understand your baby’s position so you can learn what stretches, movements and techniques your body and baby benefits most from so that you can progress through your pregnancy and labour informed on how to WORK WITH YOUR BODY AND BABY.

This is an incredible way to get most out of your pregnancy and birthing experience.

Let us guide you on this incredible journey!

Pregnancy Ease:

Bodywork to help address pelvic girdle aches and pains.

Don't suffer in silence - just because pregnancy aches are common, doesn’t make them normal. Any pain felt is your body communicating a need.

Our specialised pregnancy bodywork services are here to help address that need by reducing tension in the pelvic muscles and ligaments as well as help shine the light on any restricted movements patterns that may be contributing to your pain.

From our practice we have found that this pairs brilliantly with treatment from a specialised women’s health physio/chiro/osteo, who can look deeper into the cause behind your aches and pains.

Let us guide you on this incredible journey!

Optimise Labour:

Bodywork to help address soft tissue to reduce tension related issues in labour.

Here is where bodywork truly shines! Our skilled practitioner Gabrielle uses a variety of bodywork techniques to help externally soften the pelvic space.

Starting from 34 weeks onwards, this specific birth preparation method can help improve your baby’s pre-labour starting position, promote engagement and allow for smoother rotation and descent in labour.

Whether you're a first-time mum or a seasoned pro, our Labour Bodywork services can do incredible things to help optimise your body and baby for birth.

Let us guide you on this incredible journey!

Our Free Pregnancy & Labour Stretch Guide

A guide on our highly recommended stretches to help:

  • Reduce soft tissue tension.

  • Address common pregnancy aches and pains.

  • Improve fetal positioning by reducing soft tissue tension.

  • Great to do in pregnancy and especially in early labour!

Client Testimonials

G.Lorri Labour Bodywork Articles

  • Bodywork – How it can help ease pregnancy aches and improve labour progress.

  • Diastasis – What you can do to aid in postnatal core recovery

  • Pelvic Girdle Pain - The different types and potential impact on labour progress.

  • Induction of Labour - The importance of setting up your pelvic space when you're missing out on spontaneous labour.

  • Waters broken but no labour? Bodywork can help!